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projects icon FTDI Drivers for AVRDude in Linux

UPDATE: David at was able to get the FTDI driver working with avrdude 5.8. Go check out his site for some great instructions!

After some struggling with reading Google’s interpretation of Japanese, I finally got “z’s” instructions for getting the FTDI driver for Linux working with avrdude. My goal was to perform Kimio Kosaka’s Arduino bootloader burning trick. All in all, it’s pretty simple, but the translation was utter garbage.

FYI, I’m running Ubuntu 9.04, 64-bit, but I’m fairly confident this will work on any distro. With that in mind, I’m leaving out distribution specific instructions (like using apt-get to install libusb-dev).

Once again, this is entirely from Mr. Z…I’m just making it English-readable :)

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Posted on 2009-03-23 17:03:06 -0700 (Updated on 2009-03-23 17:03:06 -0700)

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